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Documentation (available papers) – European Union, Brexit – the future of workers’ rights – European Conference, 11 November 2017, London

European Conference, 11th November 2017, London, Diskus Centre at Unite, 128 Theobald’s Road, Holborn, London, WC1X 8T 


EU Brexit Workers Rights – conference handout

The programme with the available speeches:

09h30 – 10h00 Opening:

  • John Hendy Q.C., Institute for Employment Rights IER   
  • Rose Keeping, Regional Industrial Officer, Unite the Union
  • Prof. Bill Bowring, ELDH President

10h00 – 11h45 1.       The Future of Trade Union Rights, social rights (collective labour law, for a social Europe instead of a “social pillar):

  • Esther Lynch, Confederal Secretary of ETUC, Brussels: For a Pillar of enforceable and universal social rights slides
  • John Hendy QC, barrister, London (IER): The dilemma for trade union rights in Britain: caught between the EU and Free Trade Agreements speech
  • Lorenzo Fassina, Rome (Head of the legal office of CGIL): CGIL’s strategy for defending and increasing individual and collective rights in Italy
  • Marthe Corpet, CGT, Confederation Policy Advisor – International Department, Paris: Trade union rights in France under attack – CGT strategy speech

12h00 – 13h30 2.       How to create more security for workers  (concepts on national and European level for individual labour law for domestic and migrant workers)

  • Klaus Lörcher, Germany, former ETUC legal advisor, former Legal Secretary of the Civil Service Tribunal of the European Union: The role of the European Social Charter for the protection of (migrant) workers’ rights, in particular after Brexit speech slides, speech
  • Ms. Dr Sanja Cukut Krilic, Research Fellow, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenia: Insecurities and vulnerabilities of migrant and posted workers: the need for information provision slides, speech
  • Sergey Saurin, Centre for Social and Labour Rights (CSLR), lawyer, Moscow: The impact of European labour standards on Russian labour law and enforcement practice

4h15 – 16h00 3.       How to defend the rights of refugees and migrants. The impact of Brexit and EU policy.

  • Frances Webber, Institute of Race Relations: Brexit, refugees and the hostile environment speech
  • Lionel Crusoé, lawyer, Paris: The effect of Brexit on refugees and forced migrants
  • Karl Kopp, Director of European Affairs, PRO ASYL, Frankfurt/Main: Perspectives for the defence of Human Rights for Refugees in Europe. The impact of Brexit. draft outline
  • Alison Harvey, barrister, London: The trafficked and the new undocumented post Brexit speech

16h15 – 18h00 4.       European Democracy and human rights – between (Br)Exit and the rule of exception (How to develop European Democracy, how to fight non-democratic developments in EU states;):

  • Prof. Andreas Fisahn, Bielefeld: : The lack of democracy and the future of the union speech
  • Prof. Steve Peers, Essex
  • Dr. Marco Inglese, Faculty of Law, University of Fribourg, Switzerland: The European Citizens’ Initiative: an effective tool to boost democratic participation? speech
  • Julian Bild, Solicitor: Anti-trafficking and Labour Exploitation Unit (speaking in a personal capacity): The EU: A help or hindrance? speech


European Labour Law Conference – Florence, 12- 13 May, 2017

Pictures taken at the conference

Video recording of the speeches held at the conference as far as available

1st day

1) A. Loffredo https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RZlBFZXB6WEMzTEE

2) F. Durante https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RTGdXTFRkWndQWWs

3) M. Schubert https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RRGE3R05vMkdpTzQ

4) J. L. Wabant https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RVnJKYXRLanVRUHM

5) A. Jacobs https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RU1hjbXFBR1pJUTQ

6) A. B. Grau https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RQjRPR0xCS3dVUHM

8) G. Orlandini https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RUVVmWXdibDJBTUE

9) M. Houwerzijl https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4ReDJVTHI5cVFzaUE

10) Q&A Orlandini – Houwerzijl https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RZEpLSnB4d2ExaEU

 2nd day

1) J. Cremers https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4Rc3JtMEpLY2JTUTQ

2) R. Helm https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RaFVwbEFoUXRGdUE

3) R. Buschman https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RMDZlejh4NXc4eEk

4) W. Daubler https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RcHFjOXNtbmZraVk

5) Q&A Daubler https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RWnJicmVmZjR3M3M

6) J. Hendy https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RRy1BdFkwUkRUcFE

7) E. Lynch https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RMGdOS0F5bUtTRkU

8) A. Lassandari https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RM2xwdnJWeExBTDQ

9) S. Camusso https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2kPPeHW0Z4RWU4tX200TVJEb1E


ELW Press Release

The speakers and their papers as far as available (below)

Friday, 12 May 2017

13h30 until 14h00: Registration and welcome coffee/tea

14h00 – 18h30 

Welcome speeches

Professor Dr. Antonio Loffredo, University of Siena

Fausto Durante – Head of European and International policies CGIL

Michael Schubert – lawyer, Freiburg, ELW-Network


Chair:  Thomas Schmidt – lawyer, Secretary General ELDH, Dusseldorf

The right to strike and atypical worker / new forms of work (Prof. Dr. A.T.J.M. Antoine Jacobs, Tilburg University) Jacobs – speech – EN

Criminalisation of trade unionists (Professor Dr. Antonio Baylos Grau, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
Baylos – abstract -IT, Baylos – abstract – EN

The case of Uber (Dr. Valerio De Stefano, Bocconi University, Milan)

coffee/tea break


Chair: Silvia Rainone – PhD candidate, Tilburg University

Social dumping and posting of workers (Professor Dr. Giovanni Orlandini University of Siena)
Orlandini – speech – ITORLANDINI speech – EN

Social dumping and abusive practices in the transport sector: the crucial role of letterbox companies (Professor Dr. Mijke S. Houwerzijl, Tilburg University)
Houwerzijl – speech EN


Saturday, 13 May, 09h00 – 13h00

08:45 Welcome coffee/tea


Chair: Dr. Jan Buelens – lawyer, Brussels

Public procurement and social clauses – an overview within the EU-genesis (Dr. Jan M. B. Cremers, Senior Researcher at Tilburg University and AIAS Amsterdam)
Cremers – speech – EN

Public procurement and health and safety regulations as social clauses – the Munich airport example (Dr. Rüdiger Helm, lawyer, Munich/Capetown)
Helm – Speech

Jurisdiction of the ECJ and the ECtHR supporting shelter by labour law, directives and human rights – an overview

(Rudolf Buschman, Center for legal appeals and European law of the DGB, University of Kassel)
Buschmann – paper – EN, Buschmann – paper – DE

Short break

Panel – Conclusions for trade unions and labour lawyers – regaining the initiative:

Chair: Professor Dr. Antonio Loffredo, University of Siena

Professor Dr. Wolfgang Däubler, University of Bremen, Reconstruction instead of deregulation in Greece ! – the recommendations  of the Expert Group  for the review of Greek labour market institutions
Daeubler – speech – DE

John Hendy QC, barrister, Chairman of the Institute of Employment Rights (IER), London, A Manifesto for Labour Law: towards a comprehensive revision of workers’ rights
Hendy – speech – EN

Esther Lynch, Confederal Secretary of ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation),  Brussels/Dublin, The so called “social pillar” of the EU Commission Lynch – 

Professor Dr. Andrea Lassandari (University of Bologna), La Carta dei diritti universali del lavoro


Susanna Camusso, Secretary General of CGIL


Content – Available Speeches and cv of the speakers

  1. 1.       Welcome speeches, each 10 min.
  • Manuela Carmena, Mayor of Madrid (invited)
  • Mauricio Valiente Ots 3th mayor of Madrid
  • Javier COUSO PERMUY, GUE/NGL, member of the European Parliament

Introduction, 15 min.:

  1. Dr.  Aristea Koukiadaki (Senior Lecturer in Employment Law, School of Law), Manchester

Aristea Koukiadaki – abstract und CV, Aristea Koukiadaki – slides

3.1 Countries under pressure I, reports, each 15 min.,

  • Spain, Professor Antonio Baylos Grau (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha), La Mancha

Antonio Baylos Grau – outline of speech

  • Italy, Professor Antonio Loffredo (Universita degli Studi di Siena), Siena

Antonio Loffredo – speech, Antonio Loffredo – CV

3.2    Countries under pressure, II reports, each 15 min.,

  • Portugal, Professor Jose J. Abrantes (Universidade  Nova de Lisboa), Lisbon

José J. Abrantes – slides, José J. Abrantes – Short biography

  • Greece, Alexandros Nikolouzos, lawyer, Athens

Alexandros Nikolaouzos – speech, Alexandros Nikolouzos – biography

  • Ireland, Esther Lynch (ICTU, Legal & Social Affairs Officer), Dublin

Esther Lynch – cv

3.3 Other country reports, each 10 min.

  • France, Jean Luc Wabant, (avocat,président de la commission sociale du SAF, ancien syndicaliste dirigeant de la CFDT BANQUE), Lille

Jean Luc Wabant – speech

  • England, John Hendy Q.C., barrister, London

Keith Ewing, John Hendy QC, Kill the Bill – article

  • Belgium, Leila Lahssaini, lawyer, Progress Lawyers Network, Antwerp/Brussels
  • Germany, Dr. Detlef Hensche, lawyer, President of IG Druck und Papier (printers union) for many years, Berlin

Detlef Hensche – Entwicklung des kollektiven Arbeisrechts, Detlef Hensche – Biographie

  • Sweden, Anne Alfredson, Legal Counsel for unions members of LO and TCO in Sweden, Stockholm

Anne Alfredson – speech – abstract – cv

4. Plenary session:

Introduction by (each 15 min.)

  • Professor Tonia Novitz (University of Bristol Law School) Bristol and

TONIA NOVITZ – speech, Tonia Novitz – slides, Tonia Novitz – CV

  • Jeffrey Vogt (Director of the Legal Unit, ITUC) Brussels

Jeff Vogt – slides – From Collective Bargaining to Collective Begging

followed by panel discussion together with

  • Dr.  Aristea Koukiadaki (Senior Lecturer in Employment Law, School of Law) Manchester
  • Raul Maillo, labour lawyer, Valencià
  • Alexandros Nikolouzos, lawyer, Athens
  • Professor Antonio Loffredo (Universita degli Studi di Siena), Siena

Chair: John Hendy Q.C. , barrister, London

17h30 Conclusions

ELW-Network Newsletter 02/2015

The ELW-Network newsletter 02-2015 can be downloaded here

ELW-Newsletter 02-2015

The Content:

1.     Invitation for our next conference „Under Pressure of the TROIKA ..” 17.th October 2015, Madrid – p. 2

2.     Invitation for the First Conference on International Labour Standards  – European Union and Council of Europe – their relationship in the area of fundamental (social) rights, 25th November 2015, Frankfurt/Main – p. 4

3.     Supreme Court of Canada recognises constitutional protection for the right to strike – p. 7
4.     Collective bargaining in Southern Europe by Professores Antonio Baylos, Nunzia Castelli and Francisco Trillo, Universidad de Castilla la Mancha – p. 19
5.       The Reform of Joint Regulation and Labour Market Policy during the crisis; Executive Smmary of an EC-founded project, led by the University of Manchester,
Coordinating Team: Dr.Aristea Koukiadaki, Dr. Isabel Tavora and Prof. Miguel Martinez Lucio – p. 68
6.     TTIP, ISDS an INTA; the elephant in the room  by Professor  Keith Ewing and John Hendy QC, London – p. 76
7.     Vertical inequality  by Dr. Rüdiger Helm, Cape Town/Munich – p. 83

ELW-Newsletter July 2014

Dear colleagues,

This is the first Newsletter of our network, European Lawyers for Workers. It includes invitations to our first plenary assembly and to our conference “6 Years of Austerity and the Impact on Collective Bargaining”, which will take place on 14th and 15th of November 2014 in Paris.

This Newsletter will be sent to the colleagues from France, Belgium, UK, Spain, Germany, and Sweden who have already submitted an application for membership of the ELW which has been provisionally accepted by the coordinating committee. We will also distribute it to quite a number of colleagues who, by attending the earlier conferences in Paris, Brussels and Berlin or as members of ELDH or national networks, showed their interest in ELW. We would like to invite those who have not yet applied, to submit an application for membership of our network (see our Founding Document and fill in the Application Form below).

In view of developments in the EU in the last years – politically and economically – characterised by massive attacks on labour law and collective bargaining, we believe it is very urgent to build the network of lawyers for the protection of workers’ rights across Europe. It is particularly important to disseminate information about cases in the Court of Justice of the EU and the European Court of Human Rights. The ELW is committed to working closely with the trade unions.

We intend to publish a newsletter two or three times in the year and would welcome contributions from other colleagues.

Our intention is that each ELW conference will be organised in a different European State each year.

Hoping to see you in Paris in November !

Best regards

The ELW Coordinating Committee

Sebastian Baunack (Berlin), Jan Buelens (Antwerp), Mireille Jourdan (Brussels), Dr. Rüdiger Helm (München / Cape Town), John Hendy QC (London) Mechtild Kuby (Berlin),  Thomas Schmidt (Düsseldorf), Michael Schubert (Freiburg), Jean Luc Wabant (Lille/Paris)

ELW-Newsletter Juli 2014