THE RIGHT TO STRIKE: a threatened democratic right ? 20 March 2015, Brussels

Colloquium, 20th March 2015, European Parliament ı Conference Room JAN 2Q2, Wiertzstraat 60 ı 1047 BRUSSELS organized by PROGRESS Lawyers Network – Antwerp ……………………………………………………………………………. Programme Few social issues have been so manifestly part of the news lately as the debate about the right to strike. Not only does the Belgian government want to introduce minimal … Read more


Speeches held at the conference or Power Point slides

Prof. Keith Ewing (Kings College London),
Introduction – Collective Bargaining in times of Austerity (Keith Ewing – ELW – Paris 2014)

Isabelle Schoemann (Senior Researcher, European Trade Union Institute, Brussels)

Collective Bargaining – comparison of the changes on national level under the impact of the crisis. How can the European law contribute to fight against the regression, (Isabelle Schoemann II ELW – Paris 2014)

Prof. Filip Dorssemont (Université Catholique de Louvain),

Austerity in the jurisdiction of the ECtHR and the ECJ Filip Dorssemont – ELW – Paris

Dr. Reingard Zimmer (soon Prof. of labour law at Berlin school of Economics and Law),

How it all started – the  role of Germany concerning the roll back of labour law in the EU and Trade Union Strategies in Europe against the policy of austerityReingard Zimmer presentation 15-11-2014

Prof. Pascal Lokiec (Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre),

How austerity is forcing French unions, works councils and workers to make concessions (Etude_Lokiec_controle)

Prof. Antonio García-Muñoz, Profesor Contratado, Castilla La Mancha University (Ciudad Real, Spain)

Spain and other South-European countries as drastic examples of austerity of labour law and collective bargaining Antonio Garcia-Munoz – ELW – Paris


Conference organized by.

with support of

ELW-Newsletter July 2014

Dear colleagues,

This is the first Newsletter of our network, European Lawyers for Workers. It includes invitations to our first plenary assembly and to our conference “6 Years of Austerity and the Impact on Collective Bargaining”, which will take place on 14th and 15th of November 2014 in Paris.

This Newsletter will be sent to the colleagues from France, Belgium, UK, Spain, Germany, and Sweden who have already submitted an application for membership of the ELW which has been provisionally accepted by the coordinating committee. We will also distribute it to quite a number of colleagues who, by attending the earlier conferences in Paris, Brussels and Berlin or as members of ELDH or national networks, showed their interest in ELW. We would like to invite those who have not yet applied, to submit an application for membership of our network (see our Founding Document and fill in the Application Form below).

In view of developments in the EU in the last years – politically and economically – characterised by massive attacks on labour law and collective bargaining, we believe it is very urgent to build the network of lawyers for the protection of workers’ rights across Europe. It is particularly important to disseminate information about cases in the Court of Justice of the EU and the European Court of Human Rights. The ELW is committed to working closely with the trade unions.

We intend to publish a newsletter two or three times in the year and would welcome contributions from other colleagues.

Our intention is that each ELW conference will be organised in a different European State each year.

Hoping to see you in Paris in November !

Best regards

The ELW Coordinating Committee

Sebastian Baunack (Berlin), Jan Buelens (Antwerp), Mireille Jourdan (Brussels), Dr. Rüdiger Helm (München / Cape Town), John Hendy QC (London) Mechtild Kuby (Berlin),  Thomas Schmidt (Düsseldorf), Michael Schubert (Freiburg), Jean Luc Wabant (Lille/Paris)

ELW-Newsletter Juli 2014