
Documentation – European Labour Law Conference – Right to strike under attack – legal counterstrategies

> Download Handout: CV and abstract of the speakers

09.30 – Opening and Panel 1

Opening Esther Lynch (ETUC, General Secretary, Brussels)

09:45 – Panel 1:  International labour law – Relevance of ILO Convention No. 87 for the right to strike, in particular: proceedings for an Advisory Opinion of the ICJ, national level and supply chains

Moderation: Dimitrios Vassiliou (Lawyer, Athens)

  • Background to the dispute and the current status of the proceedings
    Jeffrey Vogt (ILAW Director, Washington DC)
  • Freedom of Association and the Right to Strike
    Lord John Hendy KC (Barrister and honorary professor, London)

11.15 – Panel 2: European Labour Law – Using and defending the right to strike

Moderation: Dr. Ernesto Klengel, (HSI, Scientific Director, Frankfurt)

  • Experience with right to strike litigation before the ECtHR and CJEU 
    Rudolf Buschmann (Trade union lawyer and lecturer, DGB, Kassel) –
    download the presentation in > English / in > German
  • Experiences with right to strike litigation before the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR)
    Klaus Lörcher (Trade union lawyer, Frankfurt)
  • Defending the right to strike in the EU
    Isabelle Schömann (ETUC, Deputy General Secretary, Brussels) tbc

13.45 – Panel 3: Successful legal counterstrategies against restrictions and criminalisation of the right to strike in different European countries

Moderation: Tamar Gabisonia (European Coordinator ILAW, Tbilisi)

  • How to use strategic litigation to protect / defend the right to strike
    Dr. Jan Buelens (Lawyer and Professor, Antwerp)
  • Striking under the sword of Damocles with the threat of liability
    Dr. Rüdiger Helm (Lawyer, Munich)
  • Right to strike in public interest services
    Dr. Giovanni Orlandini (Professor, Siena) – > download the presentation

15.15 – Panel 4: Right to Strike – New challenges and possible [legal] reactions at national level

Moderation: Thomas Schmidt (Trade union lawyer and ELDH Co-Secretary General, member of the VDJ Advisory Council)

  • Overcoming restrictions on the right to strike in Ireland
    Declan Owens, (Lawyer, Ireland)
  • Political strike in Germany – legal situation and recent climate protests
    Dr. Theresa Tschenker (Lawyer, Berlin)
  • Successful cases in Spain
    Armando García López (Lawyer, CCOO, Madrid) – > download the presentation